Green Hydrogen for Re-elecrification

Electricity backup systems are needed to address the temporary grid failure, short-term electricity supply at the locations without grids, power surges, and massive blackouts. Presently, the power backup technologies include batteries and fossil fuel-based generators, and are prone to instant start capability with generators, noise and mainly due to carbon emission have encouraged looking for alternative’s technologies based on renewable energy. Hydrogen technology is emerging as an effective and efficient alternative to stored energy from variable renewable energy due to high energy density, unlimited production sources, and easy storage and transportation. Hydrogen produced from electrolysis using renewable electricity has a minimal carbon footprint among other alternatives and produced green hydrogen can be passed through a fuel cell to produce electricity in the required vicinity.

Green Hydrogen for Re-electrification

A fuel cell is a novel technology for harnessing hydrogen energy by electrochemically oxidizing the hydrogen. Simply, a fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity. Like a hydrogen combustion engine, the by-product of the fuel is water vapor and condensed to form pure water. Unlike a hydrogen combustion engine, the fuel cell is efficient and operates quietly without noise pollution. The pilot-scale setup for electricity production from the fuel cell is in Figure.

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